Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara

Sidy Thal - a co-production of the German State Theatre and the Jewish State Theatre Bucharest - has been selected for the National Theatre Festival (FNT)

17 July 2024

Sidy Thal, the first co-production of the German State Theater Timișoara with the Jewish State Theater Bucharest, is part of the official selection of the National Theater Festival - Bucharest. The 34th edition will run from October 18-27, 2024.

The curatorial team of the National Theater Festival consists of Mihaela Michailov, Călin Ciobotari and Ionuț Sociu. This year's jury has chosen challenging dramaturgical formulas, relevant either by theme or by means of construction, thus trying to reflect the diversity and relevance of Romanian dramaturgy.

"We believe that Romanian theater is at a moment when dramaturgic voices are becoming more and more diversified, the roles of authors and playwrights in creative teams deserve to be analyzed and supported programmatically, and the frameworks of visibility of local dramaturgy are becoming more and more numerous." - announced the curatorial team.

The full argument and structure of the festival, here:

The performance, written in tandem by Thomas Perle and Clemens Bechtel, the former having a creative residency during the Cultural Capital year in Timișoara, and directed by Clemens Bechtel, tells the story of the anti-Semitic attack on November 26, 1938, when two hand grenades exploded in the auditorium during a performance by the Jewish- Bukovinian singer Sidy Thal and her ensemble at the Timișoara Theatre. The attack was carried out by the Iron Guard, a far-right nationalist group, in which four people were killed and seventy injured.

History intertwines with the personal destinies of those involved. What is true? What really happened? Sidy Thal is an attempt to reconstruct, with the help of specialists from the Wilhelm Filderman Center for the Study of Jewish History in Romania, the attack and the moment when anti-Semitism and fascism became part of everyday life in a multicultural society, leading to the horror of World War II and the Shoah.

With: Enikő Blénessy/Viorica Predica/Maia Morgenstern, Silvia Török/Katia Pascariu, Daniela Török, Olga Török, Oana Vidoni, Radu Brănici, Rareș Hontzu/Mircea Dragoman, Richard Hladik/Mihai Prejban.

Director: Clemens Bechtel - Set and costume design: Șteff Chelaru, Ioana Groza - Music: Dan Simion - Documentary: Maria Irimia - Dramaturgic collaboration: Dan Druță - Assistant director: Isolde Cobeț - Makeup: Bojita Ilici, Aurora Spasinovici - Technical direction: Ovidiu Radu, Aurel Cristea - Recordings for audio-walk & Video Design: Alex Halka - Musical preparation: Roxana Ardeleanu

More details about Sidy Thal, here:

See you at FNT in the fall!

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